39,700 GWh is the French wind power production in 2020. Thanks to satellite imagery, we can significantly increase the forecasts accuracy.


CLS is committed to providing energy professionals, investors and other key partners with accurate knowledge of energy production and limiting the risk associated with investments, thanks to radar satellite images and our wind expertise, for a global understanding of a zone of interest.

Discover our Wind Energy solutions


With 30 years of experience in the marine environment, CLS is at the crossroads of the marine industry and can provide offshore wind projects with in-depth knowledge of the many players at sea: fishing fleets and maritime traffic, oil activities, marine wildlife monitoring, and acoustics measurement.


whaleThe CLS group monitors the marine soundscape and assesses the impact of all human activities on environmental noise. Because knowledge of ocean conditions is essential, we install equipment in situ and collect ocean data in real time.

More information about Environmental Studies


Minimizing environmental impact is a challenge we meet by providing unique end-to-end space-based services. By limiting the interactions between the different actors, we propose the most suitable locations for both the expected energy production and the global intelligence of the maritime space.

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